We provide expertise to obtain unique structural information on proteins and other biological macromolecular in solution. You can discuss the scientific problem with us under non-disclosure agreement. If SAXS is the right method to approach your problem, we offer either mail-in data collection or user visit to synchrotron radiation facility for SAXS experiments. We will also do the data analysis and write up report for each measured sample.
BioSAXS is a powerful method to study the structure of proteins or other biological macromolecules in solution. Here is an incomplete list of its applications in pharmaceutical industries:
Please contact us (service@biorontech.com) if you have specific questions about sample requirements.
Biorontech scientists have more than 10 years research experience in the field of BioSAXS. Data will be collected at the state-of-art synchrotron SAXS beamlines. We accept mail-in samples for synchrotron SAXS data collection.
We use our expertise and the state-of-art SAXS software for SAXS data analysis and modeling. You have already collected the SAXS data at synchrotron radiation facilities or using some in-house SAXS instruments. You have lots of data and feel have no time to analyze them. Or you have your data analyzed, but you are not sure whether you extract the maximum information out of them. In all cases, you can rely on our expertise in BioSAXS. Simply sending the raw data, within weeks we provide you a written report to describe the analyzed results and 3D ab-initio models or rigid body models when possible. Of course all data and information will be handled following the non-disclosure agreement.
For our customers, SAXS experiments can be as simple as 1-2-3.